Charges per day from midday to midday, each partial day being compulsory counted as a full day.
MOBIL HOME MOREVA(2 bedrooms) RIVIERA (2 bedrooms) WILLERBY(2 bedrooms) GRAND LARGE(2 bedrooms) CARAÏBES(3 bedrooms) Du 05/04 au 30/05 435€ 455€ 455€ 555€ 755€ Du 31/05 au 27/06 715€ 765€ 765€ 865€ 1065€ Du 28/06 au 18/07 845€ 915€ 915€ 1015€ 1215€ Du 19/07 au 22/08 885€ 925€ 925€ 1025€ 1275€ Du 23/08 au 05/ ...
The Wifi system at our campsite is developed by the company Osmozis which provides installation and assistance. Wifi is available on all pitches on our campsite. When you are at your pitch, you connect to the nearest Le Dattier network. You will have approximately 10 minutes of free access. Then you can purchase your subscription according to the time you want by credit card directly on the Osmozis website or at reception. Download the document Internet access
When booking a stay, payment of a guarantee payment is requested. It amounts to € 85, to be attached to the booking voucher, plus € 25 booking fees, for a total amount of € 110. It can be paid by check, wire transfer or credit card over the phone. In the case of renting a mobile home, a second deposit of € 150 must reach the Campsite no later than 2 months before the expected date of arrival. If you book after this date, you will therefore have to pay 260 € (110 € ...